InBox SendNotificationToPendingStatus
Version 6.0.0
Creation date 2020-11-24
Module to send notifications according to the ticket pending time
The following versions of the OTRS framework are supported:
- [6.x.x]
The following modules are required:
- InBox Core 6.24.7 or superior
Operational system
The following operating systems are required:
- [None]
Third Party Software
The following third party software is required:
- [None]
bin/ Admin::Package::Install /path/to/InBox\ HideFieldsAccordingToCustomerPortal-6.0.0.opm
Enter the name of the event and the percentage for it. Ex. EventTo50 -> 50
Add custom events
Navigate to the system settings and search for: Events###ticket.
After that add the event names, they must be the same as the configuration: SendNotificationToPendingStatus::Core::EventAndPercentage
Creating dynamic fields
Create dynamic fields of type 'text' with the same names as the custom events present in the configuration: SendNotificationToPendingStatus::Core::EventAndPercentage
Creating notifications
Create ticket notifications with custom events:
Place the ticket in the Pending state. When the ticket reaches the percentage defined in the configuration, the notification with the custodized event must be sent